Good evening,
My thanks to the Andy Warhol Foundation for my selecting me as a Finalist for their Arts Writers Award out of 500 they said they considered across all the Arts. It’s one of the most prestigious awards in Art writing. While I wasn’t one of the 27 winners, after eight years and 4 months of hard work1, this is the first time my writing has been so recognized by the larger Art world.
While I’m writing this to thank them for their recognition, I’m also writing this to acknowledge that I’ve been remiss in not saying THANK YOU to all the people who have helped me with their support over the past 8 years since this site started on July 15th, 2015, and before. I hope you’ll bear with me while I attempt to rectify that here and now. Whether your name appears below, or not, I’m grateful for each and every one of you. Frankly, if it wasn’t for the support I’ve receive, I would have stopped long ago. It’s your support that has given me the strength to keep going. Thank You!
First and foremost, my Thanks to Lana,

Lana contemplating one of her favorite Paintings in MoMA’s collection- Marc Chagall’s I and the Village, 1911, during our most recent visit to MoMA, December 31, 2019.
who had the vision back in 2015 that I should create and write about Art. If you’ve gotten anything from this site, you owe her your thanks. (In case you were wondering, that little Owl that appears in the upper right corner of all my banners, my avatar, is my drawing of an Owl keychain she gave me right after we met. I call him “Oof.” Oof appears as my higher power in honor of Lana, making sure I do the best I can.)
Artist, Activist and Influencer Magdalena Truchan, one of the most extraordinary people I’ve ever met, was the first person I told I was starting I wrote about her here, and she has supported me in so many ways ever since. I’m thankful to call her my friend.
Thank You!-
Tim Rollins
Benjamin J. Arrindell
Jeanne Neary Look
Jeff Kirsch (a True Renaissance man) & Dana Burrel
Gregory Halpern & Ahndraya Parlato
Kris Graves
Kitty for her help with research
Mirek Goraj
Harry Gruyaert
Sam McCoy
Phil Cai
Eric Bur
Amy Harding
Rod & Debbie Penner
Tony Moore
John Verna
The Guggenheim Museum
The Museum of Modern Art
The Metropolitan Museum
The Whitney Museum
The Morgan Library
The Walker Art Center
Monika Condrea
Luhring Augustine
Sikkema Jenkins
Ki Smith
Raymond Pettibon
Sheena Wagstaff
Dr. Gail Levin
Anish Kapoor
Richard Estes
Chris Ware
Bruce Davidson
Robert & Aline-Kominsky Crumb
William Eggleston
Neo Rauch & Rosa Loy
Patti Smith
Leonardo Drew
Cai Dongdong
Mikhail Mishin
Moises Saman
The Robert Rauschenberg Foundation
Richard Mosse
Petra Collins
Kellie McLaughlin
Mercedes Jelinek
Robert Longo
Shahrzad Darafsheh
Shane Rocheleau
Jason Koxvold
Fluffy Q
Todd Hido
Stephen Shore
Caslon Bevington
Alberto Hernandez
Miss Lloyd, Shakia, Veronica & the staff the Chelsea Post Office
Gabe & the staff of The Box Store, Flatiron, NYC
Jerry & the staff of Starbucks, West 19th Street
To the Artists I’ve written about- Your support has been, and is, essential to me. The feedback I’ve gotten from Artists has been uniformly positive. I’m proud to say that some of you are among my biggest supporters. I’m hoping that continues and I will try and live up to your support (while maintaining my integrity).
Thank You! to every single person who has contributed via PayPal, or bought books, Art and Music from my collection to help keep me, and, going during all that’s gone on since 2015.
BELIEVE ME when I say-
This site wouldn’t be here without ALL of your support!
I must also thank the doctors who have treated me during my illnesses and hospitalizations from 2021-23. A doctor saved my life when I had cancer in 2007. I continue to be blessed to have been in the care of some of the finest doctors anywhere. Among them, I simply must single out Dr. Gerasimos Kappatos, for taking an interest in my condition, for his many kindnesses, advice and friendship.
Thank You! to each and every one of you who’ve read one or more of my 320 pieces along the way. I’ve loved getting your feedback, support, questions, typo corrections, and notice of oversights. I always look forward to getting them. Even more, I’m very proud of the fact that readership has continued to grow, each and every year for eight years!
The downside is that I really could have used the financial support that winning such an award brings. Without it, I need to ask, once again, that if you find what I’ve done here of value, if you’ve found any of my pieces worthwhile, please consider making a donation. Since I don’t run ads, affiliate links, or have a pay gate, I’m left with counting on donations and sales of books & Art from my personal collection (Yes. I am selling my personal belongings to fund this site- that’s how important it is to me) to be able to continue.
Thank You, again! And, Thank You in advance for supporting independent Art writing!
(Borrowing how Vincent van Gogh closed his Letters) “With a hug in thought,”
Kenn Sava.
*-Soundtrack for this piece is “Thank You (Falettinme Be Mice Elf Again)” by Sly & The Family Stone.
If you’ve found it worthwhile, PLEASE donate to allow me to continue below. Thank you, Kenn.
You can also support it by buying Art, Art & Photography books, and Music from my collection! Art & Books may be found here. Music here and here.
- So far in 2023, I’ve published 25 full-length pieces. ↩