Written & Photographed by Kenn Sava

The Photography Show, Early afternoon, Saturday, April 6, 2019. My thanks to DeShawn for his assistance.
For the third year in a row, I’m proud to bring you the most extensive coverage of The Photography Show, 2019, aka AIPAD, anywhere! This page summarizes my coverage for easy reference. Please see the links below for the pieces I’ve written on the show- so far-
The Photography Show, 2019- The Galleries
The Photography Show, 2019- The PhotoBook Publishers
AIPAD Focus: Michelle Dunn Marsh
Louie Palu’s Tools of Remembrance
As I write this, I am planning on additional pieces. Stay tuned! This page will be updated as I add them.
My coverage of The Photography Show, 2018 may be found here.
My coverage of The Photography Show, 2017 may be found here.
NighthawkNYC.com has been entirely self-funded and ad-free for over 6 years, during which over 250 full length pieces have been published. If you’ve found it worthwhile, you can donate to keep it going & ad-free below. Thank you!
Written & photographed by Kenn Sava for nighthawknyc.com unless otherwise credited.
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For “short takes” and additional pictures, follow @nighthawk_nyc on Instagram.
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