Man Ray, “Lampshade,” 1919/1964, top, with “By Itself II,” 1918/1966 seen in the Man Ray Show at Francis Naumann Gallery, in 2016, that I wrote about, here.
“No. 89, DREAM
(A) My object is to realize my dreams, not simply record them.
(B) But when you write down your dreams or paint a picture representing the images that occurred in the dream, provided you are being faithful to these images, aren’t you simply recording the dream?
(A) Not at all, neither in the writing nor in the painting do I refer to the subject as a dream. In this way it becomes a part of my waking life, just as for every one else who is ignorant of the source of my inspiration, my work is accepted as a product of my own peculiar brand of reality. In this way are my dreams realized.”
Man Ray, “Writings on Art,” From “The Hollywood Album,” P. 204, Edited by Jennifer Mundy, Published by Getty Research Institute, 2016.
The first two installments of this series are here (scroll down).
*- Soundtrack for this post is, what else? “Man Ray,” by the Futureheads from their 2004 self-titled album.
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